Part 1 Problems Situ Gintung 20 Questions Part 2 Analysis
Situ Embankment retaining Gintung is located in the village Cirendeu, District Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten. Situ Gintung built in 1923 and have now 86 years old and have not been renovated at all. Because of the age old and has never been renovated, the construction of the dam is already experiencing strong depreciation and no longer to
can hold water.
Already more than 3 years of residents asked for improvements Situ Gintung, but never ignored by the local government. In fact settlements built around the reservoir and recreation area and disrupt the order of urban space. So when there is heavy rain and waves of water, the reservoir could not resist anymore, sehinnga this disaster happened.
jebolnya levee disaster
Losses arising from this disaster is estimated to reach hundreds of billions of dollars. Victims who die until at 21:00 carrying 58 people, 170 injured and dozens of people are still in the search.
rehabilitation should be done periodically to Situ Gintung for waduknya can better preserved and maintained so as not disturbing the surrounding area. than it should, the reservoir is used as its function.
Here, the role of local government is also very necessary, they should be firm to every citizen who wants to build settlements in the vicinity of the reservoir so as not to be allowed to make settlements. Better to be made flat or house to live in a remote place with a reservoir for a time when the dam burst, not too eat the victim.
Now the government should make improvements to the Situ Gintung and replace damaged residents for residents who suffered heavy losses, may be helped a little because of assistance from the government. and when the dam was repaired, should be performed periodically to Situ pemanatauan Gintung.
Situ Gintung dalah an embankment whose age has reached 86 years and have not been renovated since its construction. Actually already provided funds to renovate the dike, but the funds were diverted by certain parties.
Because of old age and has never been renovated, so when there is torrential rain, the dike was breached because not hold water pressure sehinnga cause material losses and inmaterial. Jebolnya Situ Gintung also take casualties is not small.
Actually this tragedy could have been avoided if the residents can maintain and renovate the natural levee is a long time. Hopefully with this event, residents can be more careful and think twice to build a dike around the settlement and also a lesson also for local governments.
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