Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can I Get Herpes From Shaving My Pubes?

Batik Design Dome, Rely Jamaat Infaq

Takmir Masjid Ahmad Yani Malang do not want to linger to see the dome of the mosque is damaged by the hurricane broom on January 12 to 13 last. The accident brings wisdom for takmir mosque to redesign the dome that was built since the 1960's it. To rebuild the dome on top of the mosque will cost Rp 330 million. Not a small fund for takmir mosque.

hurricane disaster on January 12 to 13 then, into events that can not be forgotten for takmir mosque in Jalan Kota Malang Kahuripan it. A very strong wind made the existing mosque dome in the center of it flew up onto the highway. Although there were no casualties in the incident, but the dome was built circa The 1960s was shattered.

not wait long, immediately clean the mosque takmir irons stenlis vault remaining. In order not to fly back and cause events things that are not desirable. While cleaning the dome is shattered, takmir instantly recalculate the cost of construction of the dome. Design and dome material was changed, no longer uses the framework stenlis. Dome of the new mosque will be made permanent with the cast. Development

mosque dome in fact already been discussed previously by takmir. Long before the hurricane disaster that destroyed the dome of the mosque. Because it takes careful planning and the costs are large, dome building plans had stalled.

"God wills other. Strong winds some time ago, destroyed the dome of the mosque and require us to rebuild it soon. That's a lesson for us, "said deputy Takmir Masjid A. Yani, Ahmad Mahbub to Malang Post, yesterday.
From the initial count takmir with implementing the construction of the dome, the dome construction costs require a fund of Rp 330 million. Development plan that was submitted to the congregational mosque A. Yani. Takmir mosque rely infak and alms from the pilgrims to development.

To facilitate acceptance and charity infak dome construction, takmir opened a special desk to receive infak of pilgrims. Takmir also put a big banner in front of the mosque dome construction plan complete with the picture's shattered dome of the mosque hit by hurricanes.
Since opening the box to the construction of the dome, the mosque and Muslim worshipers were very enthusiastic to donate some of his property to the mosque. The majority of mosques in Indonesia is still relying on charity box as the main support its activities. Often infak funds collected are not sufficient to merely the physical maintenance of buildings, how much more the implementation of programs, staff salaries, and other needs.

"Alhamdulillah since it opened about 1.5 months ago, until now high enough enthusiastic pilgrims. Until now the collected funds from pilgrims Rp 230 million from USD 330 million funding is needed, "he explained.

infak Fund was purely from the pilgrims. Until recently, there has been no contribution from the City Government of Malang to rebuilding the broken dome was hit by a hurricane. The information Malang city government will put out his hand to help build it, but takmir not know when it will be realized. "There has been assistance from institutions such as YDSF and BMT A Yani that there is one complex with a mosque. We are open to channel infak of the pilgrims and Muslims in general, "he explained.

dome design to be built was quite unique. Dome of the mosque will be decorated with ornaments batik. Because in the middle of town, took the initiative to beautify the mosque takmir better.

currently building a new dome, will be continued on the construction of mosques that will fence slicked up and also the buildings. In order for the mosque looked beautiful and lovely, so comforting pilgrims who worship there and become the pride of Muslims in the city of Malang. Everything will be done gradually and continue to rely infak of Muslims who wish to save for akhiratnya. (Muhaimin)

source: features & Itemid = 77


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