بناء المسجد The virtue of the construction of mosques.
(continued) at the tip of the etiquette of the mosque and taken, and the types:
(type I): in the construction and virtue-based so.
know - May Allah guide you to do each act Hamid , And the work of correct and useful to say - it must be built mosques in the regions and villages, shops and the like as needed, and I like the country to God, and God hates the country to their markets.
and God built the mosque, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise. In
correct and others, Uthman ibn Affan may Allah be pleased with him I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says, {of the mosque built by the face of God who wants Allah will build him a house in Paradise}. In the novel {built like a God in heaven}.
Al-Bazzar narrated that Tabaraani in the Small and Ibn Haban in his Saheeh from Abu Dhar may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger Peace be upon him {who built a mosque for Allah as much as Mvhs Qtap Allah will build him a house in Paradise} and narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah from the hadeeth of Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them, his words, {and built a mosque Kmvhs Qtap Or smaller, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise} Narrated by Ibn Majah and attribution correctly. And narrated by Imam Ahmad and al-hadeeth of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with the Prophet peace be upon him but they said {Kmvhs Qtap afford to eggs} and Mvhs Sandgrouse open M and ha nest is neglected.
Mundhiri said Hafiz.
and Sandgrouse Sandgrouse one bird species known from the bathroom. It is called Qtap of the story she says her voice as well. [Y: 306] said in the life of the animal, speaking in an interview Mvhs Sandgrouse: Almim position is open, which it crouches and bleaching, as a check for any dust reveals , And examination of research and disclosure.
singled Sandgrouse this because it does not lay its eggs in tree or on top of a mountain but it makes its nest on the ground, unlike other birds, so it is likened to the mosque, but they described Truth, is subject to signal to consider the sincerity of intention and sincerity in construction, also said Abu Hassan El Shazly.
came out and said that little carrot troubleshooting troubleshooting a lot, and troubleshooting output warning Little about a lot in the words of peace be upon him {God cursed the thief steals an egg and cut off his hand, and steals a rope and cut off his hand on a} words in explaining the news and God knows best.
Al-Bukhaari, Muslim and others from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him {that a black woman was not the mosque, Vvqdha the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he asked her a few days after she was told she died Could you tell me? Said, went to her grave and prayed over} Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah in his Saheeh, but he said that a woman who was {scoop up the rags and sticks from the mosque} and Khuzaymah also narrated by Ibn Majah and Ibn Abu Said said, may Allah be pleased with him {was not black at night she died in the mosque when he became the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, tell them not to tell me?, His companions went out and stood on her grave magnify it And the people behind him and called her, then came back}
Tabaraani narrated in the great Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with that woman who was {scoop up the speck from the mosque Kathy did not authorized the Prophet peace be upon him Buried, said the Prophet peace be upon him if he dies, you tell me about that dead, and prayed, and said: "I've seen in Paradise scoop up the speck in the mosque}.
Al-Sheikh Abu Ubayd Asbahaani {Ben Marzouk said the woman died in the city do not know the mosque by the Prophet peace be upon him, said he passed on her grave the grave What's this? And they said, or Muhjin, said that the mosque was not ? They said yes, Vcef people prayed over and then said no work and found the best? They said: O Messenger of God you hear? Said what you Bosama them, stated that they answered the mosque Sign} [Y: 307] and this transmitter.
, and Mosque Balagaf and tighten Almim is swept.
and Tabaraniyy in the large and pointed to the weakness Mundhiri Qursaafah for my father that he heard the Prophet peace be upon him says {Build mosques and pulling out Trash them, it is God built a mosque, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise man said, O Messenger of God and these mosques are built in the road? Said yes, and taking out the trash, including dowries virgins }.
annexation garbage and litter.
and the name of Abu Qursaafah broken gathered engendering bin Kishnp.
and Ibn Khuzaymah bail as a possible al-Hasan said Hafiz Mundhiri Khudri may God bless him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him {out of harm from the mosque, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise}.
should be synagogues and so on Thursday he is years old, as in the Arts major And others, and walked in and the other persuasion.
There is no doubt that the Prophet peace be upon him ordered the construction of mosques and cleaned and perfumed as it is narrated in Musnad Ahmad and Sunan Abu Dawood and Ibn ماجهوصحيح ابن خزيمة وغيرهم والله أعلم.